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Crafts of Child's Play:
Celebrating timeless childhood

11 June - 23 July 2016


New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham


This exhibition celebrates timeless childhood. At the dawn of the 20th century, Arts and Crafts reformers, social theorists and psychologists explored childhood. Artist and makers were deriving inspiration from the new movement of revising childhood. Children's innocence, and the naiveté they display in the exploration of their environment, offered artists means of examining social conventions or revealing absurdity. This kind of playful and unpredictable attitude to cultural norms initiated new, uncanny explorations in the work of expressionists and surrealists.
The work is showing playfulness and often an idiosyncratic childlike quality.
The exhibition is complemented by two workhops.

The exhibition presents work by Jenny Ayrton, Kim Bagley, Beatrix Baker, Ed Boxall, Jennifer Collier, BLOTT WORKS, Sally Nencini, Judith Needham, TheBigForest, Resurface Designs.
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